Anthropogenic Geology


Paris, France


Alice Loumeau, Romain Curnier with guest Galaad Van Daele




National Superior School of Architecture of Paris-Malaquais (ENSAPM)

As constructed imitations of geological formations, the caves of Pittoresque style from the 19th century are hybrid objects that dilute, through space and material, the distinction between architecture and geology. The workshop proposed to investigate these uncanny Parisian artifacts. The production of a collective spatial representation using multiple media aimed to narrate a multi-description of a place: the constructed cave, a space of invisible histories and mythologies, a technical construction and object of inventions, where several conceptions of “nature” are confronted.

Researchers conducted on site investigations using a technical, perceptive or narrative tool. The multiple descriptions offered an alternative approach from traditional architectural tools to multiply ways of representing space and make tangible invisible dynamics: physical, immaterial, social or natural.

student works