Sensing Earth


Draix, France


Sébastien Klotz (geographer)




Critical Zone Observatory of Draix-Bléone

In opposition to the physical experience of weather, climate is a phenomenon that requires mediation to be understood. This series follows scientific practices as they intend to render visible the subtle mechanisms that engender habitability in the territories surrounding us.

The concept of Critical Zone is at the center of various pluridisciplinary research exploring the interconnection between geological, natural and anthropogenic processes. Conceived as an international research network, the Critical Zone Observatories gather researchers whose work monitors earthly phenomena, in parallel with on-site practices and simulations.

Climate change is nowadays comprehensible via an accumulation of data through the use of multiple contemporary technical apparatus at a planetary scale. Such epistemological instruments are often facilitated by local, meticulous and repetitive manipulations that reveal a close relationship between science and political ecology.

on-site fixed and hidden cameras